Pharma Focus Europe

AstraZeneca Invests US$1.05 billion (£1bn) to Construct New R&D Facility


AstraZeneca plans for the construction of state-of-the-art research and development (R&D) facility with an investment of US$1.05 billion (£1bn). The new discovery center will be located in Cambridge, UK.


The new R& D center will be designed with world’s highest environmental standards conataining over 2,200 research scientists.

State-of-the-art facility consists of most advanced robotics, with the high-throughput screening and AI-driven technology.The facility designed with advanced robots and technology will help to focus on specialised and precision medicinesgiving raise for the discovery of next generation therapeutics, including nucleotide-based, gene-editing and cell therapies.

The new Discovery Centre will manage the next wave of scientific innovation and thus enabling to break new boundaries in the understanding of disease biology and therby bringing life-changing medicines to patients.

The center will further help to develop the next generation of science leaders and helps in fastening industry-leading levels of productivity.


TypeNew Construction
BudgetUS$1.05 billion
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